LeetCode4FLAG: Top 100 Coding Test for FaceBook, LinkedIn Amazon, Google
🔥 🔥 High frequent interview LeetCode test for FaceBook,Linkedin,Amazon,Google. More importantly, the problems’ solutions are provided. Offer, offer, offer!
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Company Level LeetCode Link Code
✂️ 74. Search a 2D Matrix :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🐼 1. Two Sum :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
📈 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🔎 107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
👑 32. Longest Valid Parentheses :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🎡 20. Valid Parentheses :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🌄 200. Number of Islands :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🐋 202. Happy Number :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🐑 1120. Maximum Average Subtree :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🐧 543. Diameter of Binary Tree :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
⛺ 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🌈 240. Search a 2D Matrix II :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🚀 124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
⛺ 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🌈 240. Search a 2D Matrix II :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🚠 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
⛵ 863. All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
📈 21. Merge Two Sorted Lists :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🔎 107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
👑 32. Longest Valid Parentheses :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🎡 20. Valid Parentheses :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🌄 200. Number of Islands :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🐟 202. Happy Number :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🐋 1120. Maximum Average Subtree :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🐏 543. Diameter of Binary Tree :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
⛵ 863. All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🚁 938. Range Sum of BST :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🚀 124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
⛺ 173. Binary Search Tree Iterator :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🌈 239. Sliding Window Maximum :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🚠 833. Find And Replace in String :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🌄 200. Number of Islands :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🚩 90. Subsets II :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🍐 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🚁 525. Contiguous Array :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🎄 126. Word Ladder II :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🎑 85. Maximal Rectangle :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🎏 152. Maximum Product Subarray :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🍋 678. Valid Parenthesis String :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
⛵ 245. Shortest Word Distance III :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🚁 178. Rank Scores :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
⛺ 173. Binary Search Tree Iterator :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java
🌈 239. Sliding Window Maximum :shipit: C++ | 🐍 Python | ♨️ Java